Buttons zur direkten Sprachauswahl

Is it really true?


Why are we doing this?

Now you're probably thinking:

‘That's too good to be true, there must be a catch!’

Of course you're right, we're not just doing this because we're so nice, in the end we also have to pay salaries and materials. The important thing is that you get another product that you can completely redesign or order just like the original, and it's free!

All we need from you is a post on your social media page (Facebook oder Instagram).

Tell your friends about our products and as a thank you, you will receive another product, completely free of charge. You practically become a micro-influencer

What do I have to do?

This is how it works:

  • You order an item of your choice from us (maybe you've already done that?)
  • You receive your parcel and find the flyer for our FREE promotion
  • You take a photo, or several pics of your item in ‘use’ or where you like it
  • You follow us on Facebook or Instagram, the links to our pages can be found below.
  • You upload your photo and link to our page by mentioning it in the post
  • You send us a screenshot of the post or the direct link via Mail or WhatsApp
  • We create a voucher code for your new free item and send it to you
  • You order your new item, just like the first one or with new wishes, and use the voucher code when paying.
  • And your second free item is on its way to you!

Legal information & FAQ

The promotion is generally valid until cancelled.

The campaign can be realised once per person. If you plan to post our products more often or regularly, you are welcome to contact us and we will certainly find a way to reward you on a permanent way.

Did you not order from us but from FreudenSchmiede?

That is of course quite possible. FreudenSchmiede is our ‘old’ online shop, SunnyGift is the new one. It offers all modern functions and standards and will replace FreudenSchmiede in the future. This is also one of the reasons for the free promotion. We want to publicise our new shop. But even if you have ordered from FreudenSchmiede, you can link the article to the new shop and take part in the promotion!

You can find information about switching from FreudenSchmiede.com to SunnyGift.shop in our blog

You don't want to make social media posts?

The campaign is of course completely voluntary, nobody is forced to make a post

Can I recommend the campaign to others?

Of course we would love to! We would be delighted if your friends could also benefit from the advantages of our shop and take advantage of the promotion.

Don't have a Facebook or Instagram account?

Unfortunately, the action then does not work, the social media post is the basis for the action

Does the post have to be positive?

Basically there is no obligation, we want honest opinions and no fake stars. However, if you are unhappy with your product, please let us know and maybe we can solve the problem together. Happy customers are of course our greatest concern.

Is the second article really completely free?

Yes, you can order exactly the same item again, even with new requests. You will only be charged shipping costs depending on the recipient country. If you would rather have a different item than the same one again, please contact us, we will certainly find a way to accommodate you.

Is anything still unclear or do you have any questions?

Feel free to contact us by Mail or WhatsApp, we are always glad to help!

Social Media Links